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Plenary 2: The role of HPH in developing people-centered health care systems by coordinated and integrated health care services

Venue: NN


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Chair of the HPH Governance Board and Senior Advisor of the HPH Network Sweden

Margareta Kristenson (MD, PhD) is specialist in Social and Preventive Medicine and in Family Medicine. She is professor in Social and Preventive Medicine at Linköping University and chief physician in Social and Preventive medicine at the Centre for Health and Health Care Development in Östergötland, South East Sweden.
Dr. Kristenson was, during 1995-2017, National Coordinator of the Swedish HPH Network and is today Senior Advisor for this network. She is chair of the Governance Board for the international HPH Network and member of the Scientific Committee for the International HPH Conference.
Her research concerns possible causes for socioeconomic inequalities in health, where her main interest is the importance of psychosocial factors and psychobiological stress mechanisms for socioeconomic differences in Coronary Heart Disease incidence. Especially, her group focuses on the protective effects of psychosocial resources. Another area of research is Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROM) and how the use of these measures can lead to a better health orientation of health services.
She was the chair of a Regional Commission on Health Equity in Östergötland working 2013-2014. She was also a commissionaire in the Swedish National Commission on Health Equity, which worked 2015-2017 and has now laid its suggestions to the Swedish Government. In this work, she has her special focus on the development of an Equity sensible and Health Promoting Health Service.

Maria Luisa MORO

Director of the Health and Social Agency of Emilia-Romagna, ITA

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