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Plenary 3

Transforming health care to empower and meet the needs of refugees and migrants

Venue: Audimax


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Peter Nowak

Head of the Competence Centre for Health Promotion and Health Care at Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, Austria

Peter Nowak: 1985 – 2008 research and organisational development projects in healthcare and health promotion at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for the Sociology of Health and Medicine (Vienna). 2008 - 2011 Senior Researcher for user and patient participation in healthcare and Deputy Director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Health Promotion Research (Vienna). Since 2011 at the Austrian Public Health Institute: initially as Deputy Director of the Federal Institute on Quality in Healthcare, 2013-2020 Head of the Department Health and Society, since 2016 also director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion in Hospitals and Health Care, since 2022 Head of the Competence Centre Health Promotion and Healthcare focusing on national strategies in health promotion, health literacy, patient-centred care, communication in healthcare.

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CEO of the International HPH Secretariat, Copenhagen, DNK

Hanne Tønnesen’s work centres on evidence-based clinical health promotion. She started her early career working with addiction and later, in 1996, she became a specialist of surgery. In 1999, she became Head of the Clinical Unit of Health Promotion at Bispebjerg Hospital in Copenhagen, and in 2003 she finished her dissertation on the increased risk of surgical complications among alcohol abusers. Since  2004 she has been Director of the WHO-CC in Copenhagen, and from 2005 also CEO of the International HPH Secretariat. She is a professor at Lund University in Sweden and the University of Southern Denmark. Her research focuses on effective interventions and programs in the area of clinical health promotion regarding tobacco, alcohol, nutrition, physical inactivity and co-morbidity.

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