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Program & Proceedings

Opening Plenary: Impact of critical trends on public health and health care – the role of health promotion

Venue: Grand Ballroom

Panel Discussion: Experiences in dealing with critical trends

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Director General, National Institute of Public Health, Poland

Grzegorz Juszczyk, MPH, Ph.D., is the director-general of the National Institute of Public Health in Poland since October 2017. He is a public health specialist who has worked as a researcher at the Department of Public Health at Medical University of Warsaw in Poland. He received his Master of Public degree in  Poland (Jagiellonian University in Cracow) and in the Netherlands (Maastricht University). He has also graduated from the one-year preMBA managerial training.

Dr. Juszczyk earned his doctorate degree in public health from Medical University of Warsaw in 2008. His main research interest concerns health of working population and interventions that may increase healthy life years. Since 2003 he has had, as a consultant, the opportunity to plan, implement and evaluate health promotion activities for employees and their families in more than 200 public and private companies in Poland. He has also supervised the processes of health needs assessment for employees and teams implementing preventive and education activities for more than 1,200,000. In 2013-2016 on behalf of Polish employers he had been a member of the Advisory Committee on safety and health at work (ACSH) by the European Commission.

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President-elect, WONCA World

Anna Stavdal is a family medicine specialist, she has worked in clinical practice in the same area of Oslo for 30 years. She is associate professor at the Department of General Practice, University of Oslo. She is an experienced speaker and advocate for family medicine.

Anna is the former chair of the Norwegian College of General Practice, former president of Nordic Federation of General Practice and immediate past president of WONCA Europe. 

From October 2018 she is the president-elect of WONCA World, to take office as president in November 2020.
(WONCA is the World Organisation of Family Doctors, representing more than half a million family doctors engaged in research, education and professional development in family medicine.)

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Wayne H.-H. SHEU

Superintendent of Taichung Veterans General Hospital and President of Diabetes Association, Taiwan

Prof. Dr. Sheu, MD, PhD, is the superintendent of Taichung Veterans General Hospital in Taiwan and holds several adjunct and consulting professor of medicine at several medical schools in Taiwan including National Defense Medical Center, National Yang Ming University, both at Taipei, Taiwan. He is currently the president of Diabetes Association, Taiwan, as well as the immediate past chair (2016 to 2017) of the IDF-WPR.

Dr. Sheu had led a team in Taichung Veterans General Hospital, located at central Taiwan, as the most prestigious smart hospital in Taiwan.  This hospital was the first film-free and paper-free hospital. By employing central dashboard they had shown how to improve quality of diseases control for inpatients as well as outpatients care when back to community. They also develop dynamic visualized control and several lean processes to greatly run operations room efficiently.

Dr. Sheu has authored and co-authored more than 379 original articles in the areas of Diabetes, Endocrinology, Hypertension, Obesity and Coronary Heart Disease. Dr. Sheu and his team had actively participated many international clinical trials, such as TECOS, EXSCEL, REWIND, CREDENCE etc. He has frequently been invited to deliver speech in domestic and internal medical conferences. He also serves as editorial board member and as reviewer for many scientific journals, including Diabetes, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, American Journal of Hypertension, Circulation Journal of Biomedical Sciences, Journal of Diabetes Investigation, to name a few.



Deputy Chair, International Network for Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services; Senior Public Health Academic, La Trobe University, Australia

Sally Fawkes is a senior public health academic at La Trobe University, Australia. She holds a BSc, MBA (Health), and PhD on foresight and international health policy. Sally has been a regular consultant to WHO for over two decades, contributing to initiatives in Asia, the Pacific, Europe and Middle East. Sally was one of the first hospital-based health promotion innovators in Australia. She led HPH portfolios in major teaching hospitals, helped establish the Victorian HPH Network in 2004 and has been advisor on HPH strategy and practice to hospitals, health services and governments in Australia and internationally. Her association with the International HPH Network began at the first conference in Warsaw in 1993. She is serving her third term on the HPH Governance Board, as Deputy Chair. Sally is also Acting Board Chair of VicHealth, the world’s first health promotion body funded by tobacco tax, and executive committee member, Council of Academic Public Health Institutions Australasia. Sally’s research and consulting interests span fields including leadership development; health promoting health systems and SDGs; policy foresight; and governance for urban health and in Healthy Cities. Her publication projects include Public Health Practice in Australia - The Organised Effort (with Lin and Smith), Health Promotion Systems and Strategies in Asia: Preparing for the Asian Century (with Lin et al) and Cities and Health special issue co-editor: Transforming city and health futures: the use of science and imagination (with Fudge).

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