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The 29th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services will take place in a hybrid format, with the option to participate in-person or online. All the plenary sessions and almost all parallel sessions will be live streamed.

All registered participants (in-person and online) will have access to a landing page with live chat capability, the live stream of the program, the e-poster gallery, and to on-demand post-viewing for at least two more months after the conference.

The times given in the conference program correspond to Central European Summer Time (CEST).

Plenary 5
Friday, September 22, 2023, 16:00 - 17:30

Health Promotion as a Pillar of Well-Being-Oriented Health Care

Venue: Hoersaal 1


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Ilona Kickbusch

Founder of the Global Health Programme at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

Professor Kickbusch has had a distinguished career with the World Health Organization and continues to advise the organization. She was key instigator of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion and WHOs Healthy Cities Network as well as other settings projects such as health promoting hospitals. She has received many prizes and recognitions and was awarded the Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesverdienstkreuz) and the WHO Medal for contributions to global health.

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Bożena Walewska-Zielecka

Chair of the HPH Governance Board and Coordinator of the HPH Network Poland

Prof. Dr. hab. n. med. Bożena Walewska-Zielecka is a medical doctor, graduate from Medical Faculty, Medical University of Warsaw. She became National Coordinator of Polish HPH Network in 2011. Since 2014 she is a member of HPH Governance Board. Her first term as a Chair of International HPH Network Governance Board lasted from 2016-2018 and then second term from 2020 until now. Professor in Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Science Medical University of Warsaw from 2011 till 2020. Since 2020 member of Public Health Committee in Polish Academy of Sciences. She worked for many years in the National Institute of Public Health, National Institute of Hygiene in Warsaw, where she developed her scientific career. Now she is Senior specialist on health promotion in hospitals in National Institute of Public Health, National Institute of Hygiene, Poland. Since 2005 – manager in healthcare (medical director) – quality assurance and patient safety. Still practicing doctor – hepatologist, travel medicine doctor; special interest: health promotion, non-communicable diseases, immunology of liver diseases, infectious diseases and epidemiology.

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George Valiotis

Executive Director of the European Health Management Association (EHMA)

George is the Executive Director of EHMA. He represents the voice of health management to many European and international bodies including the European Parliament, the European Commission, the World Health Organisation, Industry bodies, and community groups. George Chairs EHMA's webinar series, guides the coordination of the annual conference and has an active role in all EHMA's projects by providing high-level advice on health management matters.
Prior to joining EHMA, George was the Chief Executive Officer of a Scottish policy agency focusing on blood-borne viruses and sexual infections. He has managed multiple strategic policy and education collaborations with diverse stakeholder, worked as an education specialist for the International AIDS Society, served on the Board of Diabetes Australia and as an Advisor on its Medical Education and Science Council and as Principal Strategic Advisory to the Commissioner for Children and Young People, Scotland.

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Will Clark

Executive Director - Health Care Without Harm Europe

Will is the Executive Director of HCWH Europe, the international NGO leading the sustainable healthcare movement in Europe. His role involves providing leadership to the organisation, creating its strategy, designing effective operational processes, developing the team, and reporting progress to its Board of Directors.

Will is an environmentalist with over 20 years’ experience in corporate social responsibility, carbon management, and resource efficiency. Prior to joining HCWH Europe he spent nine years working in the NHS in the UK where he pioneered an award-winning and sector-leading sustainable healthcare programme and had the privilege to be able to develop the largest team of specialist sustainable healthcare practitioners working in the NHS.

He holds a BSc (Hons) in Environmental Biogeoscience from the University of Leeds and an MSc in Environmental Technology from Imperial College London. He is also a Member of the Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (MIEMA), a Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv), and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA).

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Claas Röhl

President NF Kinder / President NF Patients United / President EUPATI Austria

Claas Röhl studied communication science at the University of Vienna, after graduating from an engineering school. When his daughter was diagnosed with a rare disease called Neurofibromatosis he began to educate himself on this disease and did several educational programs on patient advocacy, patient involvement in research and fundraising. He set up the Austrian patient organization NF Kinder in Dec 2013 and in collaboration with Medical University of Vienna NF Kinder has set up Austrias first center of expertise for Neurofibromatosis in 2018. On a national level Claas Röhl is also chair of EUPATI Austria, co-chair of the umbrella organization for oncological patient organizations "Allianz der onkologischen PatientInnenorganisationen“, a member of the board of the Austrian umbrella organization for Rare Diseases "Pro Rare Austria", and he is a member of an expert advisory board for oncology at the Austrian health ministry. Claas Röhl is also involved in several international organizations, like the European umbrella organization for NF patient organizations "NF Patients United" that he chairs, the ERN GENTURIS where he serves as a member of the executive committee, or as a member of IHI’s pool of international patient experts.


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Oliver Gröne

CEO of the International HPH Secretariat, OptiMedis AG, Hamburg, Germany

Professor Dr Oliver Groene is CEO of the International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services and Vice Chairman of the Board at the population health management company OptiMedis AG, where the Network's secretariat is hosted.

He also holds the position of Professor at the Department of Management, Economics and Society at the University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany. Previously, he was Associate Professor in Health Services Research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Manager of the "Quality of Health Systems Programme" at the World Health Organization.

He holds an MSc and PhD in Public Health and an MA in medical sociology and organizational sciences. Oliver Groene publishes widely on quality of care and health services research topics (H-index: 45).

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Herwig Ostermann

Executive Director, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (Austrian Public Health Institute) AUT

Herwig Ostermann is director of the Austrian National Public Health Institute and associate professor (part-time) at the Department for Public Health, Health Service Research and Health Technology Assessment at UMIT Tirol.

He studied international economics in Innsbruck and Dublin and holds a master’s and doctoral degree in Health Sciences from UMIT Tirol.

Herwig Ostermann has an in-depth knowledge of national and international health systems serving as an advisor to the Austrian Ministry of Health with regard to structural and economic impacts of the health reform. His main research interests encompass health system analysis and performance assessment, health economic forecasting and impact assessment, health economic evaluation, and health policy implementation.

Herwig Ostermann is member of various international committees and expert groups

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